Dan Hon danhon@dan.mastohon.com

Open on dan.mastohon.com

Principal @ Very Little Gravitas. Make friends, break silos, build bridges. Alignment is chaotic good.

Maintainer of @starfleetjobs and @breakinggovtech.


Rune :BlobhajShock: @rune@gts.fedi.tax

If you are reading this… congratulations you are alive. If that is not something to smile about, then I don't know what is.

Sometimes the posts are in Danish.

The profile picture is a file icon with a "Cult of the Party Parrot" parrot drawn on. There's a large cross over the bottom right corner indicating the parrot was not found.

If you can see my joined date as a date beyond January 2028 please let me know what client and server you're using :BlobhajShock:

#nobot #noindex

dave @dave@rascalking.com

software developer, usually web and infrastructure stuff. currently at the mit media lab.

devourer of sff in books or on the screen, lover of heist stories. boston sports fan. clean energy enthusiast.



i hate having emotions about reality; i'd much rather have them about Sanctuary Moon.

previously @rascalking@octodon.social.
