Danny Radio and Tech danny@mastodon.radio

Open on mastodon.radio

Youtuber & radio dxer, retro gamer, tech geek, stock and crypto investor #shortwave #radio #dx #retrogaming #vintage #tech #geek #stocks #crypto I follow back👍


gabe (but cooler) @gabe@sleepy.ink

my name is gabe and i read alot // jewish, gay and annoying 22 year old

this is my alt account primarily for mutuals (for now) and people i trust using gotosocial. if you wanna follow me on my main please follow me @gavi :)

Alun Jones @pengfold@social.ty-penguin.org.uk

Interested in programming, electronics, science, photography, retrocomputing. Bit of a geek, you could say.

This incarnation of me is self-hosted using GotoSocial.