Fabrice Tshimanga fabrice13@neuromatch.social

Open on neuromatch.social

I am a Neuroscience PhD student, coming from a Bioengineering BSc and Data Science MSc, and from a ML scientist job for a hi-tech quality control company.
As a junior scientist in the MedMaxLab@UniPD, I deal with multimodal healthcare data and ML (from stats to deep neural nets, self/un/supervised).
I code in Python, I long for Julia.

I am fascinated with Cybernetics, I am worried about global warming, oppression and capitalist economy. I boost and write about those too.

Loving many arts and sometimes making music, but more outside the fediverse.


gar @gar@gerardbentley.com

Professional Text File Editor. Amateur Tooter.

Somewhere between Gen Z, Millennial, and Very Confused 🚀💻🥏.

Software Engineer working mostly with #python #golang and #postgresql at Sensible Weather.

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