Laurent Vanbever

Open on

Professor @ ETH Zürich. Head of Trying to make the Internet better, one pipe at a time. Starting to experiment with Mastodon/ActivityPub. I'm also on Twitter:



Ph.D. student. Trying to make networks better and smarter. Also: sports.

Simone Ferlin

Dr. mamãe researching networks and performance. Into: IRTF/CNCF, biodiversity conservation tech. Streitkultur. Politics, tech and fauna. RT!=endorsement. 🇪🇺

Zakir Durumeric

Security researcher. Professor, Stanford CS. Chief Scientist, Censys. 
I'm interested in how we can use large-scale, empirical approaches to understand and address security, abuse, and misinformation on the Internet.

Natacha Crooks

Assistant Professor @ UC Berkeley. Avid cheese eater. Views my own.


Software engineer working in AI.


Emile is a Data Junkie

parent & cat lover
Internet data junkie (works at RIPE NCC)
makes music: strings/sticks
concerned about spaceship earth
mostly harmless
lives in Haarlem,NL

Rodrigo Fonseca

Computer Scientist, leading Azure Systems Research group at Microsoft. Berkeley PhD, BSc, MSc UFMG, Brazil. Former Associate Professor at Brown University. Husband to Paula Fonseca, dad.
All views my own.

Dr. Joseph Lorenzo Hall

I help government get tech right and tech get governance right

Distinguished Technologist, Strong Internet, Internet Society. Former Chief Technologist, Center for Democracy & Technology, former UC Berkeley School of Information/Astronomy Department. (he/him)

Klaus-Tycho Foerster

Professor for Networked and Distributed Systems at TU Dortmund

Fffrantz | Support Armenia

I do telecom stuff for a TSO | I used to run quake servers on Juniper routers | Toots are my own

David Choffnes

Professor in Computer Science at @Northeastern. I work on privacy, IoT, networking, security, and mobile. Avid cyclist and amateur coffee roaster. He/him