Laurent Vanbever

Open on

Professor @ ETH Zürich. Head of Trying to make the Internet better, one pipe at a time. Starting to experiment with Mastodon/ActivityPub. I'm also on Twitter:


Fffrantz | Support Armenia

I do telecom stuff for a TSO | I used to run quake servers on Juniper routers | Toots are my own


Software engineer working in AI.


Emile is a Data Junkie

parent & cat lover
Internet data junkie (works at RIPE NCC)
makes music: strings/sticks
concerned about spaceship earth
mostly harmless
lives in Haarlem,NL

Rodrigo Fonseca

Computer Scientist, leading Azure Systems Research group at Microsoft. Berkeley PhD, BSc, MSc UFMG, Brazil. Former Associate Professor at Brown University. Husband to Paula Fonseca, dad.
All views my own.

Lars Eggert

Chair at #IETF, open source and networking at #NetApp. Opinions are my own. Boost ≠ endorsement. He/him. Was @larse on Twitter.

Marcel Waldvogel

4 decades of mistakes collected to avoid them. In-depth understanding of humans and technology.

Most messages expire after 1 month. Worthy stuff moved in the blogs. Searchable.

#Speaker #Erklärbär
#Blockchain #NFT #AI #Cloud #Security #Privacy #Debunking
#WebDev #FullStack

Fixed bugs in the Linux kernel in the previous millenium; operated the (and again operating a) Swiss PGP keyserver; told PRZ about a PGP bug during lunch; …

Scofield Z.Q. Liu

Incoming Ph.D. at Imperial; Intern at MPI-INF

Shriram Krishnamurthi

Brown Computer Science / Brown University || BootstrapWorld || Pyret || Racket

I'm unreasonably fascinated by, delighted by, and excited about #compsci #education #cycling #cricket and the general human experience.

See for longer #intro.

I wish to be searchable by tootfinder

Simeon Miteff

Hong Xu

Associate Professor, CSE, CUHK. Working on computer networks and systems.

Dan Ports

Distributed systems, operating systems, networking research.

Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research; affiliate faculty, University of Washington.

But realistically: mainly cat photos, food and wine, and bad jokes.

I also administer