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You can officially talk with me about #GoToSocial and #Tusky here. But I'll likely direct you to someone else.

I will post about Masto meta, ActivityPub, some of the tech, but also social aspects on here.



Una persona personando. Aficionada del lenguaje. En fedi desde 2018.

old account, redirect to

Redirect to, rate limited due to failed transfer, will transfer on Wednesday


I have a wide variety of interests, including various fiber arts, paper and pens, writing, reading, coding, and playing games (pen and paper, board, card, and video)
I am influenced by many things, including being bi, being nonbinary, being of Filipino descent, being in my 30s, and living in the USA

I believe that Black lives matter, and that approaching justice intersectionally is key, as is listening to voices from traditionally marginalized groups.


My friends tell me I have a big heart. There's lots of space for my kid, kind people, trees, birds, flowers, oceans, music, art and all the little details in life.
I take in everything without filters. It's intense. Sometimes I'm high up in the sky and my heart is dancing, then I'm carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders and I can't breathe.

My values matter more to me than social status and I lack the ability to endure cognitive dissonance.

No space left. Read my pinned messages.

Tully :butterfly_nonbinary:

Purveyor of inopportune misfortunes. Unapologetically (gender)queer. Chalk lozenge enjoyer since 2023-07-13.

If I post/boost something that should have had a CW, *please* tell me!

My happy place is where I art and engineer at the same time.

Follow requests welcome; see pinned post for reasons I will reject them.

Avatar: drawing of me in profile, in front of bi and nonbinary pride flags, by Sascha Viktor.

Océane ⏚

Étudiante en master de sociologie (parcours analyse des sociétés contemporaines) à Lyon 2.

Mon mémoire porte sur le renforcement du plafond de verre par le numérique. Tu as le sentiment que ton ordinateur t'empêche d'avoir tes diplômes ? J'ai des hypothèses !

Je cherche à communiquer de la manière la plus accessible possible. Retours constructifs bienvenus !

Mon avatar est une photo prise par Juliette Mono. Dites-moi s'il vous met mal à l'aise (contact visuel) et je le changerai.

Qyv (;* Spodito, ergo sum *;)

Cis-het, 50+ year old white bloke, trying not to
be stereotypical. Up to you to decide whether
I'm succeeding (;*

Ever the #mystery, Forever in shadow.
More's to be found, Than is seen at a glance.
Thirsting for #knowledge, A curiosity to match.
A #Friend who'd be there, Were you but to ask.


I don't post #PhotosOfChildren on social media.

(I've actually been in the Fediverse 6 years,
as of 2023, ignore the Joined date below (;* ).

autistic and managing (barely)

late-dx autistic; moderately successful professional slowly succumbing to burnout while trying really hard not to; tired; white, male, cis-by-default



syseng • CCCHH • he/him er/ihn

• I'm also @tercean
• running for fun and no profit

Bruno Miguel

In July 2020, I started feeling constant, acute pain and was later diagnosed with #fibromyalgia. I've been in pain 24/7 since it started.

#photography is a passion of mine. I'm an amateur, but I can't stop shooting pictures.

I'll be tooting in pt-PT and en-US/en-GB.

I have an alter ego at @brunomiguel, where I post mostly in pt-PT

#FOSS ftw! #Privacy ftw! ✌️


“i mean, i'm smiling, but i'm very fucking furious”

drone, offensive, riding the eternal september wave since '94


Femme trans blanche. Bigouine. Amoureuse des livres et reine des nerds.
Probablement en train de flirter.

White trans woman. Bisexual but for girls. Book lover and queen nerd.
I’m a relentless flirt.