
Open on

You can officially talk with me about #GoToSocial and #Tusky here. But I'll likely direct you to someone else.

I will post about Masto meta, ActivityPub, some of the tech, but also social aspects on here.


Bruno Miguel

In July 2020, I started feeling constant, acute pain and was later diagnosed with #fibromyalgia. I've been in pain 24/7 since it started.

#photography is a passion of mine. I'm an amateur, but I can't stop shooting pictures.

I'll be tooting in pt-PT and en-US/en-GB.

I have an alter ego at @brunomiguel, where I post mostly in pt-PT

#FOSS ftw! #Privacy ftw! ✌️


“i mean, i'm smiling, but i'm very fucking furious”

drone, offensive, riding the eternal september wave since '94


Femme trans blanche. Bigouine. Amoureuse des livres et reine des nerds.
Probablement en train de flirter.

White trans woman. Bisexual but for girls. Book lover and queen nerd.
I’m a relentless flirt.


Hyperjackpop music producer & video artist in Brighton via Dublin. Over-enthusiastic, friendly nerd. #lgbtqia+


private alt for clar fon (light dark). feel free to follow but I am also free to reject it.

less effective at adding cws here

avatar description: a peach-coloured slugcat stressfully looking to the side with fluffy hair, whiskers, and a light left eye + right darker eye. the background is the trans flag with a non-binary flag border. this is the same slugcat as my regular profile picture, but without any accessories.

avatar made with


(trying out Calckey) Engineer and decentralized standards rabble-rouser. Open Data and Library Socialism activist, sailor, gamer, reader. 0.5th gen immigrant (born in Ukraine, living in US currently). Feminist. Love people, dogs, other animals, books, the sea, & anticapitalist software. Summat' queer and neuro-slightly-off. Would prolly like you if we met.


A mixed race trans woman who's anarchist and very queer and autistic who loves videogames (especially racing or arpgs) and synthy electronic music.
If I forget to do a CW or caption an image I don't mind being reminded.
Occasionally rude, mostly wholesome, but definitely not suitable for minors.
Follow requests welcome, I just wanna check you first.
I was @thatsabinegirl on the hell bird site.

clacke at is my main

Flawesome. Saving the world by solving first-world problems.

My main is at .

Hank G ☑️

Software developer and (sometimes) blogger trying to figure out secret to living a healthy and content life into his 100's. #fedi22 #developer #biohacker #flutter #dartlang #kotlin #python #astronomy #engineering #science #food #baking #foodhistory #history #YeastMasters #fediverse #friendica #uspoli #lgbt

Nathan Sparrow :verified:


:antifa: :Blobhaj_Witch: #queer #goth lady, lots of #tattoos, some custom body parts, #neuroSpicy, #artist, #writer, #witch, former #tech worker, future #psychologist, #antiFascist, #antiCapitalist

Admin of

There are four lights!

nuztalgia :lily_pansexual: :lily_autistic:

neurodivergent queer potato. :ms_flag_pansexual: :ms_flag_demifemme: :ms_flag_polyamorous:
i like writing code & playing video games. :patrick_nerdy:

:ms_rose: /nʌztældʒə/ (or just nuz)
:ms_meeple_demifemme: she/they; demi-cis woman
:ms_earth_world_map: asian-american; mixed-race
:ms_neurodiversity: autistic (tone tags appreciated)
:ms_headpats: ball of anxiety, depression, cfs, etc.

trans rights are human rights. :heart_trans: anti-racist. :black_lives_matter: anti-fascist. :antifa: acab. :police:​

me in 2022: dipping my toes into social media again after a 10 year hiatus, because twitter going down in flames is a breath of fresh air. 🍃

me in 2023: oh gosh oh jeez now i'm an @admin running my own mastodon instance. please let me know if i've messed anything up! 🫠