mischk mischk@social.misk.cf

Open on social.misk.cf

Currently this is a test account. I'm testing a self-hosted Mastodon instance via Yunohost. Eventually I will move here, but my main account will stay @mischk for now.

Momentan ist das ein Test-Account. Ich teste eine über Yunohost selbstgehostete Mastodon-Instanz. Eventuell ziehe ich hierhin um, aber mein Hauptaccount bleibt erstmal @mischk.


Rebeka Catalina @c47@lazy.nixre.net

Sysadmin and free software enthusiast - living in Berlin. Transwoman, who loves streetboarding. Passionate opensource-gardener.
If you want to follow me and we don't know each other: follow my alt. account on chaos.social

I don't like skating: I love it <3

#HSP #introverted #AKF
Pronouns: she/her

Be kind to the planet <3