
Open on

25 | very Bi | Syadmin/DevOps but thinks he's a programmer | FOSS trying not to be a bro | activist

Admin of this GoToSocial instance. Send a DM if you want to join the gay pirate assassin squad :sloth:

Profile picture shows moanos, a white guy with blond hair, in front of some trees and bushes. He wears a red shirt and suspenders


Aral Balkan

I make small things.

My posts are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (

🌻 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️

#SmallWeb #SmallTech #web #tech #privacy #humanRights #personhood #democracy #aral #fedi22 #searchable

Low Quality Facts

Low Quality Facts written in arguably lower quality handwriting.

tastytea :fire_enby:

chaos enby, weird mix of genders.

i am: queer, non-binary, pansexual, polyamorous, introvert, vegan, anarchist, older than 30, white, shy, anxious
i like: tea, gardening, cooking, reading, computer touching
i sometimes work on gentoo linux. i'm in hannover, germany. i'm naked and/or lewd sometimes and i renote lewd posts.

​:blobcat_enby:​ ​:blobcat_pansexual:​ ​:blobcat_polyamory:​ ​:blobcat_blackbloc_flower:​ ​:blobcat_comfy_tea_woozy:​ ​:plantmage:​ ​:blobcat_cooking:​ ​:blobcat_comfy_reading:​ ​:xenia_laptop:​ ​:anarcho_hornyism:​

Feel free to follow, my account is “locked” to filter out bots, meanies and so on. All public posts can be boosted.
Hammer-and-sickle wielders, RMS fans: Piss off. Do not quote me or share my photos outside the Fediverse.
Do not follow if your profile is empty. Accounts without description or at least a few posts are creepy.

comrade kip van den bos

It's me tobi! :skullpat:

Queer, nerdy, trans, aficionado of the bizarre and the grotesque. I'm in my mid-late 30's and I'm tired. I like books and 90s action films and putting bugs in the code.

I'll mostly be using this account for posting nonsense that comes into my head, and delighting in goblinesque shenanigans.

I'll likely also post / boost some queer naked sexy stuff so ya know, be an adult and stuff.

Follow requests are welcome if you're cool and we've interacted in some way before. Knob heads get blocked though, I am very block happy!

Also, I block folks who post un-CW'd doom politics, and unfollow people who boost such things, because really, come on, catch a grip.


Umgezogen von

Antifa. Feminismus. Anarchie, auch Beziehungsanarchie. Revolution.

Glitzer. Emotion. Hedonismus. Pöbelei.
Sex. Drugs. Music.


Visually impaired.
Mental Health.
Ich hasse Treppen.


Kölner, schwul, Anarchist, Aktivist, Hedonist, polyam

Nur echt mit Septum!

Zweitkonto: @leuchtreklame

Toots löschen sich nach 14 Tagen automatisch

Ralf Eckstein :flagBi:

#bi :flagBi: #queer :progresspride_i_flag: always #BwiththeT 🏳️‍⚧️ | ab und an bi+aktivistisch unterwegs #biplus • occasional bi+ activism | links-grün versiffter Gutmensch • how do you translate that one? | beruflich irgendwas mit Software und Cloud • something related to software and cloud for a living | Admin von https://biplus.social admin


Queere Luxuskommunistin mit einer Schwäche fürs Shitposting.


Berichtet auch manchmal von Potsdamer Demos.


Robin Bertram


besorgter Bürger über:
- Erderhitzung
- soziale Kälte

er/ihm (he/his)

nicht ganz neurotypisch


Staatlich examinierter Pillendreher. Kontrabassist mit Fokus auf Orchester und allerlei unerhörtes (Mukkenanfragen immer gern gesehen ;) ). Script-Kiddie mit Ambitionen. Persönliche Assistenz für meine Freunde.

Ansonsten stehts bemüht zu helfen, und das beste aus den Menschen rauszuholen. Freaks welcome :3

Laura <3

I (literally) do things on the internet :) :rainbow_heart:
trans lesbian demigirl | she/they | network security engineer | Nürnberg :/

#kinky #NeuroDivergent

"We build our computer (systems) the way we build our cities: Over time, without plan, on top of ruins."
- Ellen Ullman

header image:

moanos [foss edition]

Developer of some small #FOSS projects: Library Management, Matrix-Bots and more