
Open on

25 | very Bi | Syadmin/DevOps but thinks he's a programmer | FOSS trying not to be a bro | activist

Admin of this GoToSocial instance. Send a DM if you want to join the gay pirate assassin squad :sloth:

Profile picture shows moanos, a white guy with blond hair, in front of some trees and bushes. He wears a red shirt and suspenders



Writer, fan, lover of fiction, dance, art, science' peacemaker


ITler, Nerd und im Chaos-Umfeld unterwegs. 🏳️‍🌈
Dies ist mein Hauptaccount für allgemeine Themen. Für Amateurfunk siehe @dk7lst und für private Themen @LonelyLars

Johanna Fischer

Rechtspolitik, Datenschutz, IT-Recht, Klimaschutz, Literatur, Kunst


📝 Freelancing translator/copyeditor/proofreader/narrator
🎶 Sometimes paid to sing
🦔 Austistic | Introvert
💖 Early music, writing, role-playing, board games, gardening, nature, sewing, knitting & crafts in general

📌 I appreciate CW on food, exercise, pregnancy & otherkin topics
📌 Happy to help with image descriptions, just ask!

[Header: Bare trees against an early sunrise. The cloudy sky is tinted pink and purple.
Avatar: an intensely pink feather on a white background.]

Wild Raven

I enjoy #writing, #drawing and #painting, and #nature is awesome. I love #ravens #crows and other #corvids... so like and unlike humans. The ravens that live with me reflect a companionship going back centuries, melding into myths of Native Americans in the Pacific Northwest who believed it was a crow who brought the gift of fire, and Europeans who linked corvids with wisdom and the afterlife. All religions, viewpoints, and learning lead us to a future we are building together.


Interessiert an vielem. Software und Tauchen, Reisen und Nudeln, wandern und radeln, vim und nerd, Techno und Punk. Software engineer. Mags heiß, Sommer ist das beste! Viel draußen gerade :)


#someone who doesn't know how to write a bio, but you can help me if you want... :)

Passionate DevOps engineer with a preference for #InfrastructureAsCode, #Automation, #Kubernetes, #Docker, #Go ( #GoLang ), #Bash etc.

I am here to meet new cool #people and for sure to learn more about #privacy, #security the tools I use and much more.

#nobot #fedi22

Feel free to follow request.

Der Fynnfodesk

A nerd about train tickets and other pricing systems.

Awaiting migration to a different instance.

Homer S.

Mein Test-Account für GoToSocial


🤟🖤 🏐 🏓 ⚽ 🎶 🎸🐧🐾
caos auf #Friendica

Linux & FOSS: Ich bin im Linux-Guides-Forum aktiv und schreibe ab und zu auf🐧

#FDroid -Empfehlungen:

#CustomROMs :

#Linux für alte Hardware:

Digital Na(t)ives & #WhatsAppSucks :

#Vorstellung #NeuHier:

Aufruf #KommInsFediverseTaz 🐾:
Offener Brief an die #taz zum Unterzeichnen:

Helft mit bei #OpenStreetMap 🗺️ 📍:

caos auf #Mastodon :

🎸Forum "Rockdisco Exit":
Umfragen #AskExit:

🚟 #Wuppertal-Community:

🏓 #Tischtennis-Community:

weitere (experimentell): (#Calckey) (#Lemmy) (#Hubzilla)



Ralf Eckstein :flagBi:

#bi :flagBi: #queer :progresspride_i_flag: always #BwiththeT 🏳️‍⚧️ | ab und an bi+aktivistisch unterwegs #biplus • occasional bi+ activism | links-grün versiffter Gutmensch • how do you translate that one? | beruflich irgendwas mit Software und Cloud • something related to software and cloud for a living | Admin von https://biplus.social admin