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I'm just a person sharing their thoughts. All toots are my own.



Danish. Likes privacy, linux, #rstats and political science. Hope to find Danish peeps using #dkpol hastag. Profile pic is actually me :-/ (ps. toots autodelete after a fortnight.)
I try not to be a jerk.

Hobson Lane

FOSS and prosocial AI fanatic.

Trying to build AI (virtual assistants) that trully assist rather than manipulate us.

Aspire to practical utilitarianism - greatest good for the greatest number for the longest possible amount of time.

Disillusioned by longtermism -- billionaires and their academic cronies focus on legacy, or feel good projects, or imagined future suffering. Those with privilege and power must acknowledge their uncertainty and support those in need **now**.


Ben Werdmuller

I blog at Also writing a novel.

Some things I've done in the past:

- Was CTO at
- Co-founded Elgg and Known
- Taught design thinking and invested in mission-driven startups at Matter
- Built software at Medium

#indieweb #opensource #journalism #writing #fiction #blogs #blogging #startups #openweb #web #elgg #withknown #fediverse #socialweb #ethics #product #writingcommunity #philadelphia #sanfrancisco


Bioinformatics, knitting, Star Trek

Krister Axel

You might know me from where I cover indie music and publish creative writing as The CHILLFILTR Review.

I live in upstate NY with my wife, my dog, 2 kids and ten chickens.

I work as a Senior Technical Architect (Sensei) for


Clive Thompson

Writer, musician/songwriter, hobbyist coder. Contributing writer to New York Times Magazine and Wired. Author of "Coders". Blogging at, archive of writing at #science #technology #coding #software #writing #literature #poetry


admin of my tiny instance. This sucker runs totally on a Raspberry Pi 4. The database and Mastodon data live on the NAS and email on it was just left hanging. I'm a terrible admin, I guess. At least it's now backing up to the magic cloud. No, you can't have an invite, I don't want that much responsibility. My OG account is on @unclemarc - you can follow me there as well if you like.

In Real Life, I manage a team of Technical Account Managers at #RedHat.

Micah Walter

I write about how I rebooted my career, rewired my brain, and found happiness in suburbia. | Solutions Architecture @ Amazon Web Services | Things my 3yo said. | Views and photos my own.