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Currently studying pharmaceutical sciences and endocrinology, hoping to start a pharmaceutical startup; I'm not sure if I'm actually good enough at it for it to work though. I'm also trying to be more fem, but I'm failing at that too.
I'm aceflux now, I guess
I'm a fragile, sensitive bitch, hold me tightly pls
I require hugs, snuggles, and gentle headpats/petting to survive
Ich lerne Deutsch.
Bisexual boi/girl
I'll cuddle anyone who asks, or more if they pay me :3
Trust me, you aren't being paranoid enough


"Weird and unreasonable" - unknown

"People find you insufferable, Grace, The general consensus I've gathered is that you get offended far too easily, you overreact and you seem to step out of line in regards to other people" - Ardghál

Cute -


shine 🔜 CCCamp

Rustacean, craftswoman, geek
