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I'm a serial hobbyist, trying to have as much fun as I can, Some things I find stupid, and I probably will tell you, but I try not to be a dick about it, mostly I do manage that.

Some things I do like:
- Programming
- Shorthand
- Retrogames
- Indiegames
- Pen and paper puzzles

Some things I don't:
- Bloat
- Intolerance
- Replyguys


Ågot :thisisfine:

Mathematician with dyscalculia. Cryptography is the ugly child of algebra, but I love her!


I intended to use this account for cybersec posts in English. Turns out I am more into some kind of leftist circle jerk in Norwegian.

I am often angry about how women in tech and cyber are pushed out of any role where they might be exposed to code, and into a role of project manager or secretary for the team. I don't type with my tits, and you will regret putting me as project lead.

Did you know teams does not have the 🖕 emoji native?


:debian:/:windows:+:android: :firefoxnew: :protonmail: :rss: #nobot

Books are the best.
Fellow nerd.
MS in Computer Science. BE in Electronics Engg.

"The recipe for perpetual ignorance is: be satisfied with your opinions and content with your knowledge" – Elbert Hubbard


59.91°N – astro, code, ham radio, music, winter, fjords

#linux #ubuntu #i3


Can Lehmann

I like building programming languages and compilers. Currently working on a high level synthesis tool that compiles LLVM IR to verilog.

I am the main author of owlkettle, a declarative UI framework based on GTK. I also developed exprgrad, a differentiable array programming language.

Amin Hollon 🇺🇸🇲🇾🇮🇳🇦🇫

Amin is short for Benjamin.

When in doubt, be kind.

I'm working on the next great Fediverse instance at

Joel G. :blobcatderpy: 🇲🇽

Tech, Android & FOSS enthusiast, sometimes contributor.

Mexican 🇲🇽, studying Mechatronics Engineering 🤖, gamedev wannabe 🕹. A bit of a customization freak. 🎨

PSP is the best emulator, Chrono Trigger is my favorite game, I solve a Rubik's cube in ~15 seconds, I like #origami too. Christian ✝️

alt account: @joelchrono

:void: :neovim: :androidalt: :firefox: :suckless: :rss: :casio:


Ivrig hobby fotograf fra Trøndelag 🤗🇧🇻



In the space between sherbet and mythology. The seagulls don't work for us.

Floppy 💾

Inclusion, against-isms, FOSS, decentralisation, self-hosting, privacy, diy, art, and other things. The occaisonal meme, shower thought, or silly post.

Please check my recent posts to get an idea of the stuff I post about.

Mental health matters. Take care of yourself.

SFW, will CW. they/them, he/him is okay.

Always up for a chat! :)

I strive to be mindful and empathic, but I may not always succeed. If I mess up, please tell me and allow me to learn.

C++ guy

I'm an oldish software engineer in the UK. I'm cis-het and married. Pronouns: he/him.

Dave :steamdeck:

Tech enthusiast, sometimes creative, usually tired. I like playing video games, comic books, and sleep. I'm just a nerd.

"Cake is eternal" - Ensign Tilly, Star Trek:Discovery