
Open on

I'm a serial hobbyist, trying to have as much fun as I can, Some things I find stupid, and I probably will tell you, but I try not to be a dick about it, mostly I do manage that.

Some things I do like:
- Programming
- Shorthand
- Retrogames
- Indiegames
- Pen and paper puzzles

Some things I don't:
- Bloat
- Intolerance
- Replyguys


Amin Hollon 🇺🇸🇲🇾🇮🇳🇦🇫

When in doubt, be kind.

I'm working on the next great Fediverse instance at

Chucho :gnu: :freedo: :guix:

I am a beginner Guix user, I love Free Software philosophy and I apply as much as I can, even for work.A bit obsessed with KISS principle but getting less obsessed with the time. I like configuring servers and doing labs on GNU/Linux. I like data science but I am too bad for it but I am pretty good in scripting. I am glad to accept you as follower except if you don't have any interaction in your account.

giantspacesquid :raspberrypi:

Trying to put the planet back together until we can dredge up a spare one

The Doctor

:neovim: :nextcloud: :thunderbird: :signal: :tor: :rust: :python: :fedora: :lineageos: :fdroid: :linux:
Howdy, I am the Doctor! If you wanna get in contact, shoot me a DM. You can get my Threema ID on request to discuss anything more sensitive.

If you do get in contact, prepare to be converted to our Lord and Saviour Rust.

Posts are deleted after a month.


Håkon Bakke

Anesthesiologist (ICU), dabble in (trauma)research now and then. University Hospital of North Norway.

Interests: Outdoors, litterature, philosophy, research, intensive care medicine

General world-view: Man’s greatest advantage is their ability for cooperation. For most tasks there are more than one way to skin a cat.


game/film composer • VFX/motion graphic artist • occasionally gamedev


a void in the void making the machines sing and shout and let it all out

enabled 🔒 not because I'm particularly restrictive about who follows me but because I'd rather do a quick check first to avoid stuff like followbots

#nobot #noindex

Andreas H. Opsvik :kageaasen:

Communicator Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research (@bjerknesBCCR), but here mostly in Norwegian about internet, games, climate, bikes and language. Born at 351ppm.

Netthode, røynd geriljaarkivar, nyfiken, spelglad, småbarnspappa, har eit rekreasjonelt forhold til rekneark, sykler på ein el-omafiets, gjer Kessel Run på under 12 ps. Tidlegare radiofjes. #dftba #grønn

Tidlegare @tanketom og

Thomas Gideon :cmdln:

Lifelong learner, inveterate maker, rambling digressor.

Husband to @kamikat

Keyoxide profile:


Technology enthusiast specializing in Azure, Software Architecture, Internet of Things, Web Apps, C# and DotNet Core. Likes Cats and Beer.


I have more Fediverse accounts than keys🥴

Things I like:

- Tech
- Programming
- Politics
- Art (even though I am not an artist myself)

Developer of Gem the #Gemini client for #UbuntuTouch

Developer of WaydroidHelper for #UbuntuTouch

I'm part of the fediverse since early 2020 but have moved several times since then.
I try to be accepting and tolerant torwards everyone and you can talk with me about almost anything in French, English or German.

#LoveIsLove 🏳️‍🌈

Garrit 🇬🇷🫒

Certified Cloud-Plumber.

.yaml > .yml