Tamás Gulácsi tamas@social.gulacsi.eu

Open on social.gulacsi.eu

#magyar #fedi22 #introvert #golang #plsql programmer.
Mostly harmless, quiet (toots rarely).

This instance uses #gotosocial


Sacha Chua @sachac@emacs.ch

Interests include: #Emacs, #OrgMode, #elisp, #nodejs, #python, #sketchnotes, #parenting, #cooking, #gardening, #knitting, #sewing, #lego, #captioning, #plover #steno, and #stoic philosophy. Originally from Manila, now in Toronto. Married to a Vim guy (go figure) and raising a 7-year old (editor preference unknown), along with two very loud cats.

Blog: https://sachachua.com (mostly Emacs News these days), sketches: https://sketches.sachachua.com. I also maintain planet.emacslife.com and subed.el

Randahl Fink @randahl@mastodon.social

Political commentator.

Perma @prma@fosstodon.org

Perma :: Backend Developer
IN #Go and #Rust.
Passionate about [#NixOS, #Immutable, #PermaComputing for software longevity]

Rich Miles @richmiles@hachyderm.io

Mike Elgan @MikeElgan@mastodon.social

The world's only lovable tech journalist. SUBSCRIBE TO MY NEWSLETTER FREE!!! ☞︎ ☞︎ ☞︎ http://mikeelgan.substack.com

PRMA @Amirography@fosstodon.org

Perma :: Backend Developer
IN #Go and #Rust.
Passionate about [#NixOS, #Immutable, #PermaComputing for software longevity]

Maurizio @druznek@hachyderm.io

Nerd, Hacker, Developer. I like to disassemble thing but I can't be bothered to put it together after.

Przemek Peron @huan@itdev.social

https://ITDev.social mastodon server admin.

Lead Developer at https://sonnenglas.net.

Co-founder of https://greenfieldconf.pl conference and dev@ZG meetup.

System admin and full-stack developer. Coding in #golang#php#typescript and #dart.

Former #zxspectrum user but still into #retrogaming. #nintendoswitch owner.

Dog: #czechoslovakianwolfdog

Muhammad Abd al-Rahman @mabdalrahman@mastodon.social


Paolo Lulli @paolo_lulli@fosstodon.org

B2B | API Development | Java | Go | Unix | ML | Industrial IOT

Graham Barr @gbarr@mastodon.world

george @christgf@fosstodon.org