Tamás Gulácsi tamas@social.gulacsi.eu

Open on social.gulacsi.eu

#magyar #fedi22 #introvert #golang #plsql programmer.
Mostly harmless, quiet (toots rarely).

This instance uses #gotosocial


manu @manuu@mastodon.social

Iliya @iliya@cyberplace.social

CS Student

Juan Alvarez @nebiros@fosstodon.org

passionate about software development #golang #ios #java #javascript #objc #ruby #swiftlang, mostly #golang these days

Josh Finnie @joshfinnie@fosstodon.org

Staff Software Engineer looking for their next job.


❤ :python:, :rust:, :golang:, :typescript:
#photography, #cycling, #coffee, #fountainpen

Located in the DMV.

unalkalkan @unalkalkan@fosstodon.org

Hopefully Consistent

Devoid @densestvoid@indieweb.social

Cuboci 🏳️‍🌈 @cuboci@tech.lgbt

I'm a software developer and sci-fi nerd. I love Go and Python. Linux, too.

Matt @linux_nerd@mstdn.social

Cloud engineer working on switching from VMware to Azure or another public cloud. Linux addict and currently learning GO lang. Been working in IT for way too long now, almost have the grey beard also.

Looking for anything techy, programming, scifi, fantasy or whatever my interests are for the week

binaryphile @binaryphile@cryptodon.lol

There are 10 kinds of people in the world...

Progressive 50-something father and husband, software developer

I work for a mid-size network hardware manufacturer doing back-end development in Go

Grew up in St. Thomas, USVI

Bachelor of Computer Science, Harvey Mudd College

MBA, Kenan-Flagler Business School, UNC Chapel Hill

Cryptocurrency enthusiast


Discoverer of broadcast storm bug in Id's original Doom

Creator of the Minimak keyboard layout

Can eat cereal with either hand

Markus Wennrich @mwennrich@fosstodon.org

Arzziel @ArzzielMarcena@mstdn.ca

21 • He/Him

Eugene McParland 🇺🇦 @EugeneMcParland@mastodon.ie

"Wise men learn more from fools than fools from the wise.“ — Cato the Elder