technomancy (turbonerd aspect)

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this is my more tech-focused alt account I run out of my home; my main account is @technomancy

I also use this as a test ground for patches to gotosocial including a weird lua-based plugin system


Theresa O’Connor

Hi, I'm Tess. EJ's mama, @erynofwales' girlfriend, and a self. I work in tech (I manage the Web Standards & Interoperability team at Apple) but I rarely post about it.


blobby tables

→ moved account

likes trains.
overengineering a model railway in N gauge.
learning circuit board design


moved to @dcreemer

Barry Centricsubdivision

Bleating the averages. 🐏
Intermittently functional programmer.
Aspiring Old Git.
Pie-eating wokeratus.
Please join a union.

Nathan Sorenson

I like functional programming, collecting arxiv pdfs, trying to grok Topos Theory for years, and turning tedious problems into interesting math problems. I also like meditation and consciousness and Self Growth but am deeply suspicious of others who share this interest, in a Groucho Marxian sense

Details of my psychodrama are unimportant but fwiw I try to minimize being That Guy across a variety of dimensions


cloud-native employee working on the Datadog continuous profiler; collects rare UUIDs; #clojure #golang, #nix, #nixos, searchable

Humberto Anjos

Either a developer or an enterprise architect, although I only get paid for the latter...

Some hashtags (too SEO-ey?):

- Places: #Brazil, #Brasil, #Brasilia
- Code: #ProgrammingLanguages, #Clojure, #Java, #Lua
- General nerdiness: #BoardGames, #RPG, #SciFi, #Fantasy, #Space, #Discworld, #Storytelling, #StarWars
- Music: #ProgressiveRock, #Fusion, #Jazz, #Rock, #HeavyMetal, #Rush, #LedZeppelin, #MahavishnuOrchestra, #SpocksBeard, #StevenWilson, #IronMaiden, #Genesis, #Transatlantic, #Elder, #KingCrimson, #FrankZappa
- Sports: #Futebol, #Soccer, #WorldCup, #Palmeiras, #NBA
- World: #Geopolitics, #Investing
- etc: #UrbanExploration, #Whisky


Alpha Chen


Geek, Hacker, Free Software and Free Culture advocate, Jew

Barely interacts with this account anymore. If you want to follow me, follow @serge

Fabio Natali

Aspiring critical technologist, interested in the effects of technology onto our lives and society. For every technology artefact or piece of infrastructure, what are the conditions for its existence, what is its cost on society?

Passionate about #FreeSoftware, #Lisp and #Scheme, #Guile and #Guix, the #Emacs operating system. Sustainable and retro computing. Ex CryptoParty London.

Vegan. Londoner.

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UIs & Programming Languages & Music
Toronto (they/them)