technomancy (turbonerd aspect)

Open on

this is my more tech-focused alt account I run out of my home; my main account is @technomancy

I also use this as a test ground for patches to gotosocial including a weird lua-based plugin system


Fabio Natali

Aspiring critical technologist, interested in the effects of technology onto our lives and society. For every technology artefact or piece of infrastructure, what are the conditions for its existence, what is its cost on society?

Passionate about #FreeSoftware, #Lisp and #Scheme, #Guile and #Guix, the #Emacs operating system. Sustainable and retro computing. Ex CryptoParty London.

Vegan. Londoner.

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Barry Centricsubdivision

Bleating the averages. 🐏
Intermittently functional programmer.
Aspiring Old Git.
Pie-eating wokeratus.
Please join a union.

Nathan Sorenson

I like functional programming, collecting arxiv pdfs, trying to grok Topos Theory for years, and turning tedious problems into interesting math problems. I also like meditation and consciousness and Self Growth but am deeply suspicious of others who share this interest, in a Groucho Marxian sense

Details of my psychodrama are unimportant but fwiw I try to minimize being That Guy across a variety of dimensions


cloud-native employee working on the Datadog continuous profiler; collects rare UUIDs; #clojure #golang, #nix, #nixos, searchable


UIs & Programming Languages & Music
Toronto (they/them)


#OpenSource #GameDev in #GodotEngine, dev tools with #Clojure and #Babashka

Code for my jam games and godot addons:

Clawe, a clojure-base window-manager-manager:

#SoloDev #IndieDev #PixelArt

Olav Fosse

🕸️ Programming in #clojure and #clojurescript. Excited about #electric_clojure and #clerk!

🚩CTF with Norske Nøkkelsnikere( #security #ctf #norge #norway

👽Living in #emacs. Released one #emacslisp #elisp package (eradio). Heavy #orgroam #orgmode user. Curious about #nyxt #glamoroustoolkit #gtoolkit #malleablesoftware.

#debian #linux #systemd #postgres #postgresql #git #macOS


Queer, programmer by trade, collector of hobbies* by choice.
Based out of Northern USA.

* #biking, ebikes, #capoeira, martial arts, juggling, acting, writing, #TTRPG, #OSR, game dev, miniatures.

Avatar Description:
Hooded grey-robed figure made of dark smoke. Skeletal hands hold two blue fireballs in a balanced pose. One blue eye glares.
End avatar description.

Header description:
3d abstract art, green/white shapes in a ring, yellow-black core, heavily out of focus.
End header description.

Aleš Roubíček

Interested in Effective Software Delivery. #xp #devops #clojure #serverless #web

Gabriel Schneider

Agent of chaos & builder of stuff.
Red Teamer in a ecommerce company.
Pentests, Security Research, weird software projects.
Computer Engineering student. :vim: :hacked: 🔯​

Bruce Adams

I enjoy programming, rowing & bicycling. I am at my best when helping someone get something done or work through a problem. I especially enjoying programming in Rust and have written several little command line tools in Rust, notably `yj` and `query-rds-data`. My home is Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Pronouns: he/him.

Krzysztof Witkowski