Unixorn - 90% Snark by weight unixorn@hachyderm.io

Open on hachyderm.io

Have GNU, Will Travel.

I'm an #SRE in Denver. Don't contact me about cryptocoin bullshit, I'm not interested in supporting #griftcoin in any way.

I mostly talk about #cooking, #cats and #homeassistant.

#fedi22 #actuallyautistic #adhd #neurodiversity #cats #foodie #cooking #zsh #homeassistant #smarthome #homeautomation #opensource #foss #python #scifi #sre #devops #voteblue



technomancy (turbonerd aspect) @technomancy@hey.hagelb.org

this is my more tech-focused alt account I run out of my home; my main account is @technomancy

I also use this as a test ground for patches to gotosocial including a weird lua-based plugin system