utsuho utsuho@is.nota.live

Open on is.nota.live

internet resident, plural partially sighted robobirb
pasta eater and UNIX dork, probably running 9front ⑨

self identified as a PDP-11 powered printer running a UNIX OS

old/backup acc: @Utsuho
personal: @utsuho
feel free to follow, might decline if your profile is empty or you look malicious


Sigrid Solveig Haflínudóttir @sigrid@nein.ftrv.se

some kind of a :9front: developer?

flewkey @flewkey@gts.2a03.party

I'm a computer mage and a musician. In my spare time, I usually write tracker modules and play with embedded systems.
I also maintain a Gentoo overlay. 🐧