wakame (spoons at 35%) wakame@tech.lgbt

Open on tech.lgbt

I put bugs in software. Master of half-finished projects.
Irony is my default setting.
Hate factories, but love conveyor belts.
Buzzword-Driven Development.

Totally not a robot.
Definitely not a mouse.

Pan-Demi-Sexual, _not_ Pandemic-Sexual.

// Your Plastic Pal Who's Fun to Be With

// Cats of all sizes also welcome
#YesKittens #YesCats #YesTigers


Rune :BlobhajShock: @rune@gts.fedi.tax

If you are reading this… congratulations you are alive. If that is not something to smile about, then I don't know what is.

Sometimes the posts are in Danish.

The profile picture is a file icon with a "Cult of the Party Parrot" parrot drawn on. There's a large cross over the bottom right corner indicating the parrot was not found.

If you can see my joined date as a date beyond January 2028 please let me know what client and server you're using :BlobhajShock:

#nobot #noindex

Eric @eric@geldmacher.io

Husband, and father of a 4 yo.

Work mostly on the hardware side of #HPC at a University data-center in the US

Dabble in #python and a fan of many #FOSS projects.

Other interests include:


Currently investigating my ND traits that I have been consciously/subconsciously masking most of my life.
ND account @eric@neurodifferent.me
(maybe) #ActuallyAutistic #AuDHD

gabe (but cooler) @gabe@sleepy.ink

my name is gabe and i read alot // jewish, gay and annoying 22 year old

this is my alt account primarily for mutuals (for now) and people i trust using gotosocial. if you wanna follow me on my main please follow me @gavi :)