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fka @luttyz! i love tech, server stuff, infra stuff, and whatever in between, but NOT mails!!! anyways, i'm a bit silly but doesn't post much, although i do reply a lot, sorry!

current PFP by @meatsmall !

i sometimes post images with no or bad alt text, feel free to reply with alt text improvements if needed!

this account is SFW, although i am 18 if that matters :)
i am also the (honestly kinda proud) sysadmin of Oomfie City! even though this is set up with strings and duct tape... don't poke around too much plz!

expect a lot of boosts and furry content from this account! i do post more on @gabe, if that's more like what you want to follow instead :)
#nobot and #nobridge

(profile banner is temporary!)


Tom Goldoin

Plus j’aime l’informatique, moins j’aime ce que l’on en fait.
Membre de l’association Deuxfleurs où on essaye d’imaginer un internet convivial.

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