wohali 💯 wohali@octodon.social

Open on octodon.social

Living-type person, Toronto, she/her

Music, video games, electronics, shitposting, #Monsterdon, deep thoughts, and more, but not in that order. Officialy An Old now.

Between analog and digital lies.... octopus.

Do not repost my content off of the Fediverse without my permission, please. #noindex #nobot and #nosearch

Follow policy: if I don't know you, you won't be approved. Try interacting first, then follow request again later if it goes well.


blackle mori @suricrasia@lethargic.talkative.fish

I do lots of random stuff because my brain has too many chemicals inside of it. 1994 ⚧ it/its

sungo @sungo@emegilimma.sungo.cloud

âš  if you want to follow, please interact first. just say hello, really, whatever. prove you've read this.

previously sungo@a.social.sungo.cloud, sungo@nymwars.org, sungo@sungo.space, sungo@bsd.network, and others

Pronouns: they/them

queer, pan, poly, gamer, hacker (of the black hoodie, blue neon, glittergoth persuasion), maker of keyboards, wrangler of 3d printers, crazy as a sack full of kittens, probably on the spectrum (but who has time for tests?)

bringing my whole self to main, as much as I can

read the pins.

republicans are a hate group. there can be no compromise.

21+ only

alice is not ergo.

endgame is a conspiracy.

#nobot #nobots #noarchive #noindex

dave @dave@rascalking.com

software developer, usually web and infrastructure stuff. currently at the mit media lab.

devourer of sff in books or on the screen, lover of heist stories. boston sports fan. clean energy enthusiast.



i hate having emotions about reality; i'd much rather have them about Sanctuary Moon.

previously @rascalking@octodon.social.
