yoasif@mastodon.social yoasif@mastodon.social

Open on mastodon.social

Product person. Into open data and open source. Moderator of the Firefox sub-reddit.


Aaron Bieber @qbit@mammothcirc.us

OpenBSD slacker playing with OpenSource and other fun things! Unvetted Rando!

sk-ssh-ed25519@openssh.com AAAAGnNrLXNzaC1lZDI1NTE5QG9wZW5zc2guY29tAAAAIB1cBO17AFcS2NtIT+rIxR2Fhdu3HD4de4+IsFyKKuGQAAAACnNzaDpsZXNzZXI=


Stanisław Małolepszy @stanislaw@social.malolepszy.org

I make small 3D games, and I play them and talk about them sometimes. I'm interested in game design, 3D rendering, languages, and bringing back the Internet of the '90s.

Cloud at Google, Message Format WG, previously localization at Mozilla.

Most people call me as Staś.